Concerts for PEACE and FREEDOM

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Two MOZART concerts in February 2025

Serenade in B flat K.361 known as the 'Gran Partita'.

This inspiring music, one of Mozart's finest works, is truly a celebration of the joy of life, of peace and freedom. It is simultaneously a musical celebration and a meditation, delving deep into the essence of human expression, empathy for everyone around us, and hope for the future.

"... glorious and sublime" (Schink)

Wednesday 19th February at 8pm in the Whitworth Hall, University of Manchester (Oxford Road) M13 9PL

Whitworth Hall, at the University of Manchester
Whitworth Hall, at the University of Manchester

Monday 24th February at 7.30pm in Great St. Mary's Church, Cambridge (Trinity Street) CB2 1SU
This concert, which is taking place on the third anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, will be live-streamed on YouTube, and can also be watched / heard afterwards. The link for this will be placed on this page nearer the event.

Great St. Mary's Church, Cambridge
Great St. Mary's Church, Cambridge

Click below to see and hear a two-minute sampler video for these Mozart concerts

All three concerts will be performed byWind Serenaders, conducted by Laurence Perkins

The performances will each be approximately one hour in duration, without an interval

Wind Serenaders is a flexible ensemble, consisting of professional, semi-professional and advanced amateur woodwind and horn players from the U.K. and Europe.


To be confirmed:
The Manchester and Cambridge concerts may include two virtuoso soloists from Ukraine, playing an additional piece (by J.S. Bach) in the concerts. Efforts are being made to secure their availability and travel arrangements - not easy in the current situation in their home country. Watch this page for further updates.


All concerts are free admission, with unreserved seats. Donations will be invited to support the work of UK-MED and Music Action International with survivors from Ukraine, Gaza and other areas of conflict in the world. (Click the blue links for further details).

Please share this information as widely as you can. Many thanks!


Sample these events on this 2-minute video - click below:

Registered charity number: 1166956
Registered charity number: 1166956
Registered charity no. 1136295
Registered charity no. 1136295

It was 25 years ago

This video looks back at the dawn of the new Millennium, with images of the English Lake District taken by Laurence Perkins on 35mm film on 1st January 2000. It is set to the music 'Venus, the Bringer of Peace' from 'The Planets' by Gustav Holst, performed by players on the Wind Serenades course in Schwarzwald, Germany at a live concert in September 2023.

If you have enjoyed this video, please do three things:

  1. Donate to UK-MED and/or Music Action International (click on these blue links, details of the charities are below on this page) to help their outstanding humanitarian work
  2. Make a note of the above live concerts, and come along if you can - all are free admission. If you don't live anywhere near the venues, keep an eye on this page and social media posts for details of the YouTube live screening of the Cambridge concert on 24th February (you can also watch later, if you prefer).
  3. Please share this page and social media posts (see below for links) with family and friends, asking them to do that same.

Many thanks!

Follow Laurence
on Facebook   /  Bluesky  /  LinkedIn  /  Instagram  /  Twitter (X)

Click the blue links to go directly to the relevant pages, and click 'follow' or 'friend request'
(All these social media pages are used only for musical purposes and relevant subjects)

Recent concert dates and venues

November and December 2024 tour,
including historic English churches
plus ensemble performances in 2025

Wind Serenaders in Canongate Church, Edinburgh
Wind Serenaders in Canongate Church, Edinburgh
Apothecaries Hall, Blackfriars Lane, London (photo credit: Laurence Perkins)
Apothecaries Hall, Blackfriars Lane, London (photo credit: Laurence Perkins)

Sunday 26th January 2025

Canongate Church

Mozart: Clarinet Concerto (soloist: Kenneth Knox) and Symphony No. 38 'Prague' - Wind Serenaders conducted by Laurence Perkins


21 November 2024

Apothecaries Hall, Blackfriars Lane

(built in 1672)

Emmanuel Church, Didsbury, Manchester
Emmanuel Church, Didsbury, Manchester


23 November 2024

Emmanuel Church, Didsbury

which included a performance of Dvorak Serenade in D minor, Op.44 for winds, cello and bass, with the South Manchester Chamber Ensemble conducted by Laurence Perkins

Church of St. Hilda, Ampleforth
Church of St. Hilda, Ampleforth


North Yorkshire

4 December 2024

Ampleforth Church

(original part is 13th century)

St. Cuthbert's Church, Carlisle
St. Cuthbert's Church, Carlisle



5 December 2024

St. Cuthbert’s Church

(685 AD, with reconstructions in 870 and 1095)

St Kentigern's Church, Caldbeck, Cumbria
St Kentigern's Church, Caldbeck, Cumbria



6 December 2024

St Kentigern’s Church

(also known as St. Mungo’s, original parts dating from the 12th and 13th centuries)

All Saint's Church, Brixworth, Northamptonshire
All Saint's Church, Brixworth, Northamptonshire



9 December 2024

All Saint’s Church

(A.D. 650-870)


St Bene't's Church, Cambridge (photo: Martin Bond)
St Bene't's Church, Cambridge (photo: Martin Bond)


10 December 2024

St Bene’t’s Church

(11th century)

Ashingdon Church
Ashingdon Church



11 December 2024

St Andrew's Church

(11th century)

United Reformed Church, Witham, Essex
United Reformed Church, Witham, Essex



12 December 2024

United Reformed Church

CONCERTS in 2025

There will be two performances of the magnificent Serenade in B flat by Mozart (known as the 'Gran Partita') for large wind ensemble - one of the composer's finest works. These will be in MANCHESTER on Wednesday 19th February, and in CAMBRIDGE on Monday 24th February. More details soon!

There will also be trio concerts for clarinet, bassoon and piano with Colin Honour, Laurence Perkins and Yoshiko Endo. These are planned for Spring 2025 - more details soon.

At each concert, there will be an invitation for audience members to make a donation in support of:

(Click the logos to go directly to the organisation websites)

A World Health Organisation humanitarian medical aid team, founded in Manchester in 1988. The charity offering support for survivors of disasters or conflict worldwide. Click HERE for details.
Registered charity number: 1166956

Music Action International are people from around the world co-creating life-changing music programmes with survivors of war and persecution. Their unique approach significantly reduces physical and emotional trauma, helps build inclusive communities and creates a sense of belonging for people who are here without friends or family. Click HERE for details.
Registered charity no. 1136295


A special note from Laurence Perkins
(soloist, and project organiser)

Peace, and the ability to live, work, communicate and travel freely, are fundamental human rights as defined by the United Nations. Sadly, there are many people around the world who do not enjoy this freedom, and it is these survivors of war and conflict that need support in order to move forward and rebuild their lives, their homes and their communities.

My contribution is through music, with all the joy, depth of feeling and human expression that music offers. My series of fund-raising concerts around the U.K. is in support of all survivors of war. These will feature leading musicians (professional and amateur) from the U.K. and worldwide, all taking part on a voluntary unpaid basis. The programmes will include music of many different periods and genres including inspiring classical works and traditional folk melodies.

Please help me to ensure that these concerts continue to happen...

Huge thanks to all the performers involved in these concerts, who are giving their services without fee - and to the venues around the U.K., who are hosting the concerts either free of charge or for absolute minimal expenses. There are also many individuals who are helping with publicity, providing accommodation and other practical ways to keep costs to a minimum.

All donations go in full to the charities - no expenses are deducted from these.

However... there are some essential touring expenses which need to be covered (see below). If you are able to contribute towards these, that will help me and others involved to continue giving these concerts without fee, and supporting these amazing charities and the fantastic work they are doing.

Please click this button to go directly to the Expenses Contributions page.

Thank you so much for your help and support!

These people have very kindly given financial support towards these concerts. Thank you so much for your invaluable help!

(in alphabetical order):

Julia Banks
David and Liz Cutts
Linda and John Leggat
Patricia Moore
Helen Nicolson

Maggi Rowland
Paul Sharrock
Tim Softley
Alastair Watson
Dagmar and Graham Grafton


Anonymous x 9

Total amount donated so far:


(Last updated on 5.02.2025 - this figure and other details will be updated regularly).

Thank you!

What expenses are these donations covering?

So far, it's the cost of travel, printing for publicity and other essential paper documents, graphic design and display material. I am hugely grateful to a great many people who are supporting this project by offering accommodation, facilities and services either totally free of charge or at rock-bottom rates. What has been donated so far mostly covers all these essential costs I have incurred to date, but I will need more to continue the events in 2025 - so, any help will be really valuable and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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A concert in your community?

Are you in a community that might welcome and actively support a concert? Perhaps there are people in your area who have escaped from war zones? Do you have a nearby venue that could host a concert?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", do please contact Laurence Perkins by clicking HERE (via the online Contact Form) - I would love to hear from you!


Join the mailing list!

If you would like to be added to an email list for updates on these events, please click HERE. (You can unsubscribe at any time).



All concert details may be subject to change - please check this webpage for updates. The aims of this project are entirely humanitarian. These concerts support organisations who are offering help to survivors of war and conflict worldwide.

Logo design by Sally Alexandre.